Wednesday, August 22, 2007

32 week check

So here I am at 32 wks. Not the cutest but you can see how big I'm getting (boobs and belly) ;o)

Claudia, the midwife I saw today, said he felt like his head was down and that things were progressing nicely. Yeah for me!!! I told her how I'd been feeling and she said that I was probably starting to have a few contractions and when that happens to lay down for a bit so they don't get stronger and closer together before they are supposed to.

So all in all, a good check up! In case anyone was wondering I gained 2lbs since my last check up (about a pound a week). If he decides that he wants to stay in longer than the due date they have set up an appt to have me induced on the 23rd of Oct. if he hasn't shown his hairy little head yet. :o) I say that because I figure he has to come out with a full head of hair. Between Phill being born with a full head of hair, you all know how the Wurtz gene gives us all a lot of hair. :o) And besides, in the first 3-D ultrasound that we tried, you know the one where he didn't cooperate, we could see hair in the 2-D pictures see gave us that wk.

Phill and I were playing with the camera today so here are a couple of shots of us. Enjoy!


Wurtz Gang said...

You guys are such cheesers! I am so glad that you are still tiny and have already started counting the days until Kendrick arrives! BTY I still have more clothes for you!

EvaMarieva said...

yeah more belly pictures. You are too cute!