Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Not waiting this time

So we took a bit of a vacation from the blog but now that we are back in the swing we are taking a lot more photos and stuff so here's a little more.

Kendrick has been getting stronger everyday. He is wanting to sit by himself and is actually doing a pretty good job staying up to 3-5 seconds at a time without falling forward, back, left or right.

Here are a few pix we snapped while he was practicing with Les the other day.

Opps! Still working on the dismount. Before we know it he will be sitting up and throwing the ball the daddy.Les thinks that I'm nuts to believe that he's going to be throwing a ball by the All-Star break, which is July 14-17.
This is the final product. ... Kendrick sitting by himself (propped up against the couch).


Kim said...

OMG!!! I can't believe how big he is getting. What a QT! Come visit us. All things are possible...B was throwing a ball at like 8 mnths! XOXO.

mnB said...

wow! he's getting so big! & he looks just like his gma morgan... she must be so proud ;) i think its totally conceivable that he'll be playin catch w/in the season! he is my nephew after all & w/ a little dodger uni... what more does he need!?! haha luv u kenny-d!!!

Jared and Holly said...

Yea! New pics! I can't believe how big he is getting. He is absolutely adorable!

Kris10 said...

What a beautiful boy! He is getting so big! Time sure does fly, especially when you get to have fun with such a great little one!