Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First Haircut

The first cut
Mom! I'm not sure about this!
Are you listening to me?!
After... A happy handsome boy!

I gave Kendrick his first haircut today! As you could see in the pix we just posted his hair was getting quite long..... but only on top and the front sides. So I wanted to even it up a bit. I cut quite a bit off and now he is so much more blond! I didn't think he'd look as different or as much older as he does now that his hair has been cut. I don't know if it is the blond or just the cut but he was reminding me a lot of JT today.... so I guess he does have some Wurtz in him. ;o)


mnB said...

haha... there was a pic in ur previous post where i told j that that was the first time i could actually see some of you in him! :) i cant wait to see his new doo!!!

Summer Hardey said...

Good job Leslie! If I had a boy, I don't think I could pull that off! : ) What a cutie!

Karen said...

Lookin' good. You were brave to attempt that. Baby K's hair is coming in a lot lighter than it was.

Kim said...

OOOOOOOOO I liked his hair long!! oh well, it will grow. I tried to cut B's hair and lets just say...you did a better job than me, however, B would never lay down like that. Not even if I paid him! When you guys gonna come out and visit us?

Wurtz Gang said...

He totally looks older! Way to go!!! If only my kids would learn that they don't do it on their own!!!

Rachelle Colvin said...

He is growing up so quickly!! He is handsome. :)

Jared and Holly said...

Kendrick is soooo cute! I can't believe how much older he looks now. You are brave to cut his hair. Kaylee won't need one for quite a while!