Friday, February 15, 2008

Just a cute picture

Here is a picture of Kendrick and I one morning as we were trying to let Les sleep a little longer. We were watching TV when he just kept staring at me. I thought that it was so cute so I yelled at Les to wake her up and to come take the picture. I think that it turned out really well. There is a picture of my Grandpa Stallings and I in a similar pose. It is one of my favorite pictures ever, so I'm glad I get this picture with my son.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

More than just a milk drinker

Yes, it's true, we tried giving Kendrick rice cereal for the first time this week. Les and I think that he didn't really swallow most of the bites he took. It looked like he was keeping it in his mouth and then spitting it up when he would take a few bites. We laughed pretty good. Here are some of the pictures that we took of Kendrick while he ate.

Hope you all have a fun week.

As a major side note: Today is our two-year anniversary. I can't believe it's been that long. I'm so grateful for Leslie and the love and support that she gives me every single day. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met her.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Not waiting this time

So we took a bit of a vacation from the blog but now that we are back in the swing we are taking a lot more photos and stuff so here's a little more.

Kendrick has been getting stronger everyday. He is wanting to sit by himself and is actually doing a pretty good job staying up to 3-5 seconds at a time without falling forward, back, left or right.

Here are a few pix we snapped while he was practicing with Les the other day.

Opps! Still working on the dismount. Before we know it he will be sitting up and throwing the ball the daddy.Les thinks that I'm nuts to believe that he's going to be throwing a ball by the All-Star break, which is July 14-17.
This is the final product. ... Kendrick sitting by himself (propped up against the couch).