Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Riding" on the scooter

We went to lunch as a family and Kendrick wanted to get on the scooter with Uncle Chase .... cute huh?

My other best friend

Auntie Bailey and her friends got a giant stuffed Tiger and Kendrick recently has decided to climb on top of it. Leslie thought that it was so cute so I grabbed the camera and started snapping away.

My new best friend

Lately the weather here in Provo has been wonderful, so I've taken Kendrick out to play on the lawn and get out of the house (ours or my parents'). I always grab the camera, because hey, I've got the cutest son in the entire world right?
Well, when we were outside Bentley (my parents' dog) came out with us. The following photos are a sequence of what happened when Bentley came over to take pictures with Kendrick.

Kendrick and daddy (behind the camera) has no idea what Bentley has in store.
"Oh hi Bentley. Daddy and I are taking cool pictures in the sun."
"Oh what do you smell?"
Kendrick fell over at this point while Leslie was standing there yelling, "BENTLEY STOP IT! I KISS THOSE LIPS!"
Needless to say it was a pretty funny moment. Kendrick seemed to enjoy the whole thing and didn't even cry.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mommy Alone Time!

Check out my new blog. "My Fun Stuff" on the side. The faster way is for me just to put the link here so here it is. Come and see what I do with my "mommy alone time" Hope you enjoy!

Pampered Chef

I am hosting a Pampered Chef party! If you are in the area and would like to come leave me a comment.
You are invited!
When: Wed May 28th at 7pm!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Time to come clean

As most of you know by now LESLIE IS NOT PREGNANT!
My little brother Vince just got engaged tonight to a "bundle of joy" (I swear, I've never seen her not happy). Her name is Katie Crawley. She fits in really well with THE family and I'm sure I'm not the only who's happy that Vince is getting married.

Sorry to everyone that thought that Les was prego. Les thought that it would be fun to play a trick on her family and see what kind of reaction we would get.
*Thanks Gina for a G-R-E-A-T voicemail!

Anyway, we will get pictures of Vince, Katie and Kendrick on the blog soon.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A new addition COMING SOON!!

We don't have a lot of time for details. .... Just want everyone to know that we are expecting someone to join the family soon!!

We are very excited for this bundle of joy and happy that the family is growing ... one person at a time.

More details and pictures when we get some time.