Wednesday, July 25, 2007

28 Weeks and Counting!

Hello all! I had my appt. today and had to be hooked up to a monitor so they could monitor Kendrick's heart rate and movements. She said I should be feeling him more than just at night like I have been. Nothing to worry about. He's fine, he just likes to sleep in the mornings and well, honestly, I think I just don't have a sense for what his regular movements are, I think I'm only really feeling him when he kicks me hard.... or in the ribs like he had begun doing the past few weeks.

Also, I am into the every 2 week appts. So, if he's ontime and I don't have to go in for anything unscheduled, I should have about 8 appts. to go! Crazy how the time is flying!!! I know he's going to be here sooner than I know, and then he'll be growing up faster than I'd like him to, I just know it!

I also just got some new glasses after waiting forever but I love 'em!!!! Here's some pics for you to check out!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Here you go Kim...

Ok so I've been getting hints from everyone, not just Kim, that I need to post a new pic of my belly. I was going to wait til next week when I have my Drs appt, but figured that since I got my hair cut today, and figured that I could show you all what my new hair cut looks like I might as well snap a couple of pix of my growing belly too! I can't believe that I have less than 13 wks to go!!! That is crazy!!!!

So here is the new hair cut. I was going to leave it longer since Phill likes long hair but he said that I could cut it to my shoulders so I did.

Here is the boob and tummy pic that I seem to take a lot. But hey, thats what you get when I'm using my camara phone and taking it myself.

Ok I had Phill take one so you wouldn't just have to look at my boobs and tummy.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Shout out!

Just wanted to drop a quick congrats to one of my favorite companions on my mission. Kyle Robinson and his wife Heather had their baby boy yesterday (July 1) at 2:36 p.m.

We'll see you soon homie!