Monday, March 3, 2008

Some pix to keep you updated

Here are some pix of Kendrick playing with mommy, daddy, eating squash and peas, and just chillin'. His new fav thing is to lay on ur legs and push himself so his head is hanging off and watch tv upside-down. I was looking forward to giving him veggies just so I could see the faces he'd make at the food. No such luck for me. He loves it all! Give him anything but water and he just chows down! He hates water so his poop is nice and solid and he has to push hard to get it out. We tried peas for the first time yesterday so maybe those will go through his system easier. He is starting to get on a better schedule sleeping than he had been for the past couple of months. He is now starting to wake up anywhere from 3-4am and than not till 7 or 8 so hopefully he can get back to his sleeping through the nights again.


Kim said...

Yeah for new pix!!! They are soooo cute. I can't believe how big he is getting. You guys should definately come to MN once the weather gets nicer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie-
It was good to talk to you the other day. Kendrick is so cute and has gotten so big. I wish you guys all lived closer so the kids could all play together. Oh well- we're looking forward to seeing you this summer. Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi again-
Tell Kim I just wrote her a comment on her blog but then noticed her blog doesn't accept anonymous users. What's up with that?? Tell her hi for me- Jan

mnB said...

oh my kenny-d is getting sooo big and cute! just in time for bball season :) woohoo!!! ask ur mommy & daddy when r u comin out so i can take u to ur first dodger game??? and tell ur mommy that she needs to send me a cute pic of u like #1677 or 1774 :) hint hint... luv auntie mimi xoxoxo

Karen said...

Who was wearing more of the squash--you or Baby K? The pics are great!