Monday, August 11, 2008


So for our trip Les and I got plenty of snacks and candy to munch on (remember the Dum-Dums? Click here if you don't.) Anyway, we had a ton left over ... wait, that's not big enough ... we had a TON ... there we go much better. The thing that we have the most of is Red Vines.

Well, one day, Les was eating some and Kendrick wanted some. Les gave him a piece, and he quickly slobbered all over it.

Here are some pictures of the whole situation.

Standing up for daddy before he has to go to work

Chomping away at the Red Vine.

Getting it all over the place. On my face, my clothes, mommy's shirt and everything else.

I was at work when this whole thing happened so I had to hear about it after and check out all the cute pictures.
Les couldn't get too mad at him ... not with that cute smile he flashed her in that last picture.


EvaMarieva said...

He is too cute. Love the last picture and that smile.

Karen said...

What a riot!!! I didn't know that he had such a thing for Red Vines;)

Anonymous said...

what a little choochee face!!!

Rachel said...

Yeah, those red vines are trouble, but look how very happy he was!