Thursday, September 27, 2007

Now stepping to the plate ...

Yes, that's right our little slugger came into this world at 3:15 a.m. on Thursday Sept. 27, 2007. He was 5 lbs. 12 oz. 19 inches long and came through like a champ.

I got off of work at 12:10-ish and went home after a call from Les saying that contractions were a minute to 1.5 minutes apart. We went straight to the hospital as I called my parents to meet us and for my dad to assist me in giving Les a blessing.

We got to the hospital at 12:45 a.m. accomanied by a lot of pain from the contractions. The nurse measured to see where she was and told Les thay she was at 6 cm and that we were going to be staying to have Kendrick. Les got monitored for a bit and then got in the tub to try and releave some of the pain that was a constant. The tub actually helped with the pain and when they checked her again (roughly and hour later) she was at 8cm, rip roarin' and ready to go.

The nurse told Les that if she felt any presure or pushing down low, that she needed to get the nurses because we didn't want her to have to have Kendrick come into this world a la J.T. (in the tub)

It was another two contractions before Les told me to grab the nurses. They came in, helped Les out of the tub and to the bed. They checked her, told her she was at a 10 and we started pushing.

As the contraction kept coming and getting stronger and closer together, Les began to breath very quickly and shallowly (if that's even a word) having to constantly push. Because she was getting ZERO breaks, Kendrick wasn't getting the air he needed and decided to hold his breath.

The first part of his body that I saw what his long thick hair. (almost as much as hid daddy when he was born) At exactly 3:15 a.m. he came squirming out. From that point on things moved very fast. When he came out the slapped his butt and feet to get him to cry, but he didn't. We heard someone tell someone else to call for respitory. I remember the midwife asking if I wanted to cut the emmbilical cord, I said yes, but then she hurried and did it so that the nurses could take Kendrick to the baby bed, on the other side of the room, to get him to breath. I stayed with Les and held her for a bit and I distinctly remember her asking in a concerned voice, "He's not breathing?"

That's when he cried for the first time and I finally exhaled and went to his side. He had some stuff in his lungs but not enough to have to get on an inhalator or anything. After some good crys he was wisked away to the nursury, me close on his heels to get hooked up to a heart monitor and a tempeture (I know that's spelled wrong, back off, I'm work on little sleep) monitor. We stayed there for an hour or so while his body temp, and blood sugar came up.

At that point someone had told me that my parents were with Les and so I joined them to give them news on his progress and tell them that Kendrick would have to stay in the nursery until 6 a.m.

To our suprise he came in at 5:15 as was with us for an hour until the nurses came back and checked his body temp, which had dropped just below where they wanted it, so it was back to the nursery.

Anyway, he is doing fine and I will get more pics on here soon ... when we get home.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Give Les a hug for me!

- Lisa L.

Unknown said...

hugs & kisses from the ur favorite auntie... auntie mimi & the girls :) xoxoxoxo