Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A few quick stories

I don't have a lot of time before I have to go to work so I thought that I would just hurry and relay this little story about my "Wiz Kid"

He is getting better at sleeping longer, however, eating is a whole 'nother story. Kendrick has gotten pretty good at eating on the right side, but when he needs to eat on the left he still is trying to learn how to work it.

Les has been filling up so fast and full that the milk will leak out at a pretty good drip, so what has my brilliant son decided is the best way to get this milk? Suck the nipple? NAH! Too much work.

I can just see his thoughts now .... If it is just going to drip out why don't I just lick the nipple? YEAH!! That's a great idea. It will drive my mom nuts and I still get a little bit right? Then I can fall asleep in her arms.

Anyway, we both thought it was pretty funny the first time that he did it, but it is getting pretty annoying. Hopefully he will learn to eat on both sides ... preferably on both sides in the same feeding.

Now for the second reason I call him my "Wiz Kid". Not only is he incredibly smart (see story above) but he pees like none other! We have lost count of the number of diapers that he has peed through. Let's just say that last night he went through four pairs of pjs, 5 diapers, and only two blankets (because Les didn't wrap him up to start the night).

At 3 a.m. Wizzer woke up and started crying, so we changed him only to have him wet the fresh diaper 5 minutes later. ... And by wet I mean WET! This wasn't just a little tinkle, this was "Ol' Faithful" ... We had just changed him, clothed him in new pjs, wrapped him in a new blanket and laid him on the bed for 2 minutes when I picked him up to put him in bed and Les noticed that there was a wet spot on the bed.

Yes, the "Turkey" as his mother likes to call him used his whizinator to wet my side of bed ... oh well.

Anyway, there's a tiny little glimpse into our lives.
More stories and pictures to come soon.


Jared and Holly said...

Gee "Wiz", what kind of diapers do you guys use? We like Pampers...they leaked the least with Kaylee. And you should get a Pee Pee Tee Pee (a 'tent' for his little wiz'nator). Ha ha. Have fun at 3am and good luck!

Kim said...

We like Huggies.

Aubri said...

The huggies have worked best for BriAnna. I strongly recommend the huggies disposable changing pads cause then if the do pee its on that and you can just throw it away. You can lay it underneath them when they sleep and then you don't have to keep changing the sheets. They're really inexpensive and we use them all the time. It will amaze you at what they manage to pull of it time though. TOday, first time ever, BriAnna peed on my finger when I was putting on the balmex and she had just peed. They just find new ways to get ya.

EvaMarieva said...

That makes me laugh! My youngest nephew peed through everything and he never got himself wet-at least when he was peeing on me he stayed dry while I got soaked. I called him the Magical Whizzer and I had another one but Mike doesn't like it. Corie found a way to avoid it but I don't want to go in detail on the blog. I will email Les. good luck. Boys are notorious for leaking through diapers.

Unknown said...

um... i think u should just put ur kid in diapers that fit! haha i think uv coined his nickname though phill!... hey wizzer!!! xo