Friday, June 22, 2007

Stomach, belly, belly button...

It is official, my stomach is sticking out further than my boobs! I was looking in the mirror tonight and was like, "Holy cow! My stomach is huge!!!" I think Kendrick wants me tell everyone hi 'cause when I started this he started kicking up a storm! :o) (Although Phill will tell you it's because he can hear the Angels game that is on the computer). We just won't tell daddy and let mommy think what she wants! ;o)

Along with my growing belly is my poor belly button. Mich tells me it will never be the same. :o( I might just cry! I loved my belly button! For any of you who had the joys of seeing it before you would know just how cute it was! Now it is getting rounder and rounder and shallower and shallower everyday it seems.

As long as I don't end up with an outy I think I might be ok. I know you are all just dying for more pix but you'll have to wait. I have my appt. this coming Thurs and I'll take pix and post them then so you can see the sudden "popping" of my belly.


Unknown said...

ur silly! and ide like to think that kendrick was freakin out cuz his daddy has the wrong game on!!! GO DODGERS!!! ;) xoxo

Karen said...

On Friday, we had a BBQ at work. They had foot long hotdogs (AKA Dodger Dogs). I was told that this was the only place I could get one and I had to let him know that they're always availabel at Dodger Stadium and he told me that I wouldn't drive there to get one...wanna bet??? Remember Kendrick, GO Dodger Blue!!!
Love you guys!

Unknown said...

good job grammy mac!!!