Sunday, May 20, 2007

19 weeks - Kendrick? or Paige? We find out in a week and a half

Here's a pic of Leslie that we took today at my parents house. She's counting down until we find out what we are having... one week two days and counting!!!!
The only news that we have this week is that our water got turned off today at 5 p.m., so that the plumber can work on fixing a leak in the front yard. Here's to crossing your fingers so that we will have it back up and running by Thursday.
We love you all, can't wait till we see all of you that will be here next week. Did anybody elses' stomachs look this big at 19 wks? I'll be 19wks tomorrow.
Check back here to find out if it is Kendrick or Paige that will be joining our family!
As for anybody who is wondering if I am doing my "homework", I am. According to Jamie and Sue's scale I am at 130 now. We will see what the difference is between their's and the one at the office. I went on theirs about a wk ago and it said I was 126.8 so even if the scales aren't the same I know I've gained something. I was 124.6 at my last appt. So, Kim, have you lost that 5lbs? I've gained mine. :o)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Can hardly wait until we all find out what you're having, although I think I should be the 3rd to know.

Love ya,